Mobile Tracking System CellIDs Report
Network Operator: RO Orange

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County, Town, Description, Added by, Last edited by, LAC-CID

AG AG Dedulesti                                                                  IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-10435
AG AG Dedulesti view location                                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-31014
AG AG Draganu                                                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-23652
AG AG E81,Dealu Negru,Draganu                                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-182
AG AG E81,Dragutesti,Lintesti                                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-6192
AG AG E81,Moraresti                                                              IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-14522
AG AG E81,Zamfiresti                                                             IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-26082
AG AG Km106                                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-27202
AG AG Km80                                                                       IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-31602
AG AG Prislop,Draganu,Valea Ursului                                              IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-13652
AG AG Valea Ursului,Bascov                                                       IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-30792
AG AG Zamfiresti,Draganu,Paraul Bascov                                           IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-16082
AG Pitesti Autogara Nord view location                                           IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-13252
AG Pitesti Autostrada A1 km106 Metro Pitesti                                     IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-27322
AG Pitesti Banatului, BRD                                                        dhalba system 4300-30174
AG Pitesti BTR,Raiffeisen                                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-30772
AG Pitesti Bv Petrochimistilor,Gara,Mcdonalds                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-22532
AG Pitesti Casa de asigurari de sanatate arges                                   dhalba system 4300-23252
AG Pitesti Comat,Holcim                                                          IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-12392
AG Pitesti Draxlmaier                                                            IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-20792
AG Pitesti Gara,Mcdonalds                                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-12532
AG Pitesti Gavana,Autogara Nord,Velpitar,Ursus                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-32284
AG Pitesti Hotel Victoria                                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-32272
AG Pitesti Lukoil                                                                IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-13242
AG Pitesti Pic view location                                                     IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-18214
AG Pitesti Sanpaolo Bank,UltraPro                                                IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-12272
AG Pitesti str GH.Sincai                                                         IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-10772
AG Pitesti STR. BAILOR, STATIE TAXI                                              dhalba system 4300-23242
AG Pitesti STR. TACHE IONESCU                                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-32294
AG Pitesti Universitate                                                          IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-20772
AG Pitesti Vama                                                                  IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-28214
AG Pitesti Vama Pitesti,Bv Petrochimistilor Arene                                IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-17322
AR Arad Autogara                                                                 Frike system 5700-31268
AR Arad Bujac                                                                    Frike system 5700-21058
AR Arad Bujac                                                                    Frike system 5700-30728
AR Arad Bujac - Lacramioarelor                                                   Frike system 5700-11028
AR Arad Bujac - Stadion Indagrara                                                Frike system 5700-31028
AR Arad Gara                                                                     Frike system 5700-11268
Ar Arad Metro                                                                    DjAdi21 system 5700-27828
Ar Arad Metro - Mercedes - Selgros                                               DjAdi21 system 5700-11038
AR Arad Podgoria                                                                 Frike system 5700-11608
AR Arad Podgoria                                                                 Frike system 5700-21268
AR Arad UTA                                                                      Frike system 5700-20728
AR Arad Vlaicu                                                                   Frike system 5700-10728
Ar Burjuc - Dn 7 Burjuc - Drumul National 7                                      DjAdi21 system 5600-6198
Ar Capruta - Dn 7 Capruta - Drumul National 7                                    DjAdi21 system 5700-10068
Ar Capruta - Dn 7 Capruta - Drumul National 7                                    DjAdi21 system 5700-21818
Ar Chisineu Chris Chisineu Chris, B.C.R.                                         DjAdi21 system 5700-20638
Ar Chisineu Chris Zona de frontiera                                              DjAdi21 system 5700-11798
Ar Conop Conop - Drum National                                                   DjAdi21 system 5700-10058
Ar Cuias Cuias                                                                   DjAdi21 system 5700-21168
Ar Dn 7 Drumul National 7                                                        DjAdi21 system 5700-10078
Ar Dn 7 Drumul National 7                                                        DjAdi21 system 5700-20068
Ar Dn Drum National                                                              DjAdi21 system 5700-20058
Ar Halsis - Savarsin - Dn 7 Halsis - Savarsin                                    DjAdi21 system 5700-31168
Ar Halsis - Savarsin - Dn 7 Savarsin - Centru                                    DjAdi21 system 5700-11168
Ar Lipova Manastirea Maria Radna                                                 DjAdi21 system 5700-10048
Ar Mandruloc Mandruloc                                                           DjAdi21 system 5700-20038
Ar Milova Milova                                                                 DjAdi21 system 5700-30058
Ar Nicolae Balcescu Dn 7 Nicolae Balcescu - Drumul National 7                    DjAdi21 system 5700-20078
Ar Paulis Paulis                                                                 DjAdi21 system 5700-12118
Ar Pilu Pilu - Varsand - Zona de frontiera - Vama Varsand                        DjAdi21 system 5700-858
Ar Sambateni Sambateni                                                           DjAdi21 system 5700-10038
Ar Sambateni Sambateni - Balastiera II                                           DjAdi21 system 5700-20528
Ar Toc - Ilteu - Dn 7 Toc - Ilteu - Drumul National 7                            DjAdi21 system 5600-628
Ar Varaduta - Dn 7 Varaduta - Batuta - Drumul National 7                         DjAdi21 system 5700-11818
Ar Zimandu Nou Zimandu Nou                                                       DjAdi21 system 5700-17828
Ar Zona de frontiera Zona de frontiera                                           DjAdi21 system 5700-21798
B Bucureşti Piaţa Rosetti                                                      florin83 system 100-10931
B Bucuresti 1 Decembrie 1918                                                     Dragos system 130-29635
B Bucuresti 1 Mai                                                                3dWARd system 150-16611
B Bucuresti Academia Militara                                                    cosmo1 system 110-28785
B Bucuresti Aeroport Aurel Vlaicu                                                IP-XCENTRIC system 150-31551
B Bucuresti Aeroport Henri Coanda                                                IP-XCENTRIC system 150-23851
B Bucuresti Agronomie                                                            cosmo1 system 150-36831
B Bucuresti Al. Cislau                                                           bogdan.e system 100-11111
B Bucuresti Alunisului                                                           IP-XCENTRIC system 110-13721
B Bucuresti Alunisului                                                           IP-XCENTRIC system 110-33721
B Bucuresti Antiaeriana                                                          cosmo1 system 110-32565
B Bucuresti Apaca                                                                Alin system 100-21531
B Bucuresti Aproape de Mogosoaia                                                 Ciprian system 150-22652
B Bucuresti Arcul de Triumf                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 150-15951
B Bucuresti Arcul de Triumf                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 150-26831
B Bucuresti Armeneasca                                                           florin83 system 100-30941
B Bucuresti Armeneasca                                                           florin83 system 100-8361
B Bucuresti Atelierele CFR Grivita                                               3dWARd system 150-32755
B Bucuresti Autogara Militari view location                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 150-28995
B Bucuresti Autogara Militari view location                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 150-31881
B Bucuresti Baicului                                                             bogdan.e system 100-31111
B Bucuresti Balta Alba Piata Salajan                                             cosmo1 system 130--23485
B Bucuresti Barajul Dunarii view location                                        cosmo1 system 130-12811
B Bucuresti Bd. Ferdinand - Zidurilor                                            Ryan Ryan 100-21711
B Bucuresti Bd-ul Corneliu Coposu                                                Ciprian system 100-20991
B Bucuresti Bd-ul Ferdinand I                                                    Ciprian system 100-12171
B Bucuresti Berceni Strada Luica                                                 cosmo1 system 110-3671
B Bucuresti Biserica Capra                                                       Ciprian system 100-21111
B Bucuresti Bragadiru                                                            stargate system 110-13202
B Bucuresti Bucur Obor                                                           tudorjuravlea system 130-17261
B Bucuresti Bucur Obor(iesirea din pasaj)                                        cosmo1 system 130-20841
B Bucuresti Bucurestii Noi Infratirea                                            stargate system 150-32011
B Bucuresti Bucurestii Noi int Pajura                                            stargate system 150-22011
B Bucuresti Budimex-str Minca Dumitru view location                              IP-XCENTRIC system 110-25641
B Bucuresti Bulevardul 1 Decembrie 1918                                          cosmo1 system 130-23061
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Calea Victoriei                                           cosmo1 system 100-16601
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Constructorilor view location                             cosmo1 system 150-36611
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Dacia                                                     cosmo1 system 100-8161
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Dacia                                                     cosmo1 system 100-8691
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Dacia                                                     cosmo1 system 130-22091
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Dacia                                                     cosmo1 system 130-27261
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Decebal                                                   cosmo1 system 100-12731
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Decebal view location                                     cosmo1 system 100-32731
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Dimitrie Cantemir view location                           cosmo1 system 110-11761
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Ion Mihalache                                             cosmo1 system 150-13691
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Lascar Catargiu                                           cosmo1 system 100-20801
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Timisoara                                                 cosmo1 system 150-21861
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Unirii                                                    cosmo1 system 100-22161
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Unirii                                                    cosmo1 system 110-11751
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Unirii Marasesti                                          cosmo1 system 110-31131
B Bucuresti Bulevardul Unirii Nerva Traian                                       cosmo1 system 110-11131
B Bucuresti Bv Dinicu Golescu                                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 100-30911
B Bucuresti Calda Giulesti                                                       cosmo1 system 150-28925
B Bucuresti Calea 13 Septembrie                                                  cosmo1 system 110-11161
B Bucuresti Calea 13 Septembrie                                                  cosmo1 system 110-12971
B Bucuresti Calea Calarasi view location                                         cosmo1 system 100-32161
B Bucuresti Calea Dorobanti                                                      Dragos system 100-22111
B Bucuresti Calea Dorobanti                                                      Dragos system 130-31671
B Bucuresti Calea Floreasca                                                      Dragos system 130-9381
B Bucuresti Calea Floreasca, Spitalul de Urgenta                                 Dragos system 100-10811
B Bucuresti Calea Giulesti view location                                         cosmo1 system 150-13681
B Bucuresti Calea Giulesti George Vaslan view location                           cosmo1 system 150-26611
B Bucuresti Calea Giulesti Institutul Pasteur                                    cosmo1 system 150-11281
B Bucuresti Calea Giulesti Institutul Pasteur                                    cosmo1 system 150-12861
B Bucuresti Calea Giulesti Institutul Pasteur view location                      cosmo1 system 150-24461
B Bucuresti Calea Giulesti Piata Giulesti view location                          cosmo1 system 150-14461
B Bucuresti Calea Mosilor                                                        cosmo1 system 100-10891
B Bucuresti Calea Mosilor                                                        cosmo1 system 100-10941
B Bucuresti Calea Mosilor                                                        novaradio novaradio 130-30841
B Bucuresti Campus Agronomie                                                     traian system 150-12791
B Bucuresti Campus Agronomie                                                     traian system 150-29001
B Bucuresti Campus Tei                                                           tudorjuravlea system 130-15081
B Bucuresti Caraiman                                                             cosmo1 system 150-22781
B Bucuresti Carefour Orhideea                                                    cosmo1 system 150-19331
B Bucuresti Carfour Orhideea                                                     cosmo1 system 150-31631
B Bucuresti Carrefour Militari view location                                     IP-XCENTRIC system 150-15922
B Bucuresti Carrefour Orhideea view location                                     cosmo1 system 150-30901
B Bucuresti Carrfour autostrada A1                                               Allyn31 system 150-17252
B Bucuresti Cartier Progresu Toporasi Ghimpati                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 110-29915
B Bucuresti Cartier Progresu Toporasi Ghimpati                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 110--29915
B Bucuresti Cartier Progresu Toporasi Ghimpati                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 110-32071
B Bucuresti Cartier Progresu Toporasi Ghimpati                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 110--32695
B Bucuresti Cartier Progresu Toporasi,Drumu Gazarului view location              IP-XCENTRIC system 110-23721
B Bucuresti Cartier Progresu,Toporasi,Ghimpati                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 110-12141
B Bucuresti Cartier Progresu,Toporasi,Ghimpati view location                     IP-XCENTRIC system 110-32695
B Bucuresti Casa Poporului                                                       3dWARd system 100-11041
B Bucuresti Casa Poporului,Academia Romana                                       IP-XCENTRIC system 110-11031
B Bucuresti Chibrit                                                              traian Ryan 150-31851
B Bucuresti Chitila                                                              Allyn31 system 150-31431
B Bucuresti Cimitir Straulesti                                                   Ciprian system 150-11441
B Bucuresti Ciolpani                                                             IP-XCENTRIC system 4700-10202
B Bucuresti Citymall view location                                               IP-XCENTRIC system 110-22991
B Bucuresti Citymall view location                                               IP-XCENTRIC system 110-35641
B Bucuresti Citymall-inside,Primavara view location                              IP-XCENTRIC system 110-5541
B Bucuresti Club Bavaria view location                                           cosmo1 system 150-12961
B Bucuresti Colentina - Masina de paine                                          kermit system 130-31691
B Bucuresti Constantin Brancoveanu                                               IP-XCENTRIC system 110-8271
B Bucuresti Contesti, Balteni                                                    3dWARd system 4300-31354
B Bucuresti Costin Georgian view location                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 130-21971
B Bucuresti Delea Noua                                                           cosmo1 system 100-21121
B Bucuresti Delea Veche                                                          cosmo1 system 100-31121
B Bucuresti Delfinului                                                           cosmo1 system 130-31971
B Bucuresti Dinicu Golescu Autogara                                              IP-XCENTRIC system 150-20851
B Bucuresti Dorobanti                                                            cosmo1 system 150-21071
B Bucuresti Dorobanti                                                            cosmo1 system 150-31071
B Bucuresti Dorobanti                                                            Dragos system 100-11661
B Bucuresti Dristor bd Ramnicu Sarat                                             Silviu Dan system 130-31341
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Antiaeriana                                            cosmo1 system 110-32971
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Drumu Sarii                                            cosmo1 system 150-11171
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Drumu Taberei 34 view location                         cosmo1 system 150-11181
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Favorit                                                cosmo1 system 150-12891
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Favorit                                                cosmo1 system 150-22891
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei General Vasile Milea view location                     cosmo1 system 150-16551
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Media Plaza                                            cosmo1 system 150-35881
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Media Plaza view location                              cosmo1 system 150-15881
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Orizont                                                cosmo1 system 110-31161
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Orizont                                                cosmo1 system 110-32615
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Orizont                                                cosmo1 system 11110-10273
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Orizont                                                cosmo1 system 11110-25473
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Orizont                                                cosmo1 system 11110-25474
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Orizont view location                                  cosmo1 system 150-26551
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Orizont view location                                  cosmo1 system 150-28985
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Orizont view location                                  cosmo1 system 150-36551
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Politehnica                                            cosmo1 system 150-21201
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Politehnica view location                              cosmo1 system 150-11201
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Romancierilor                                          cosmo1 system 150-22901
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Romancierilor                                          cosmo1 system 150-32901
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Sibiu                                                  cosmo1 system 150-21191
B Bucuresti Drumu Taberei Tricodava view location                                cosmo1 system 150-21181
B Bucuresti Eroii Revolutiei                                                     IP-XCENTRIC system 110-29895
B Bucuresti Eroii Revolutiei view location                                       IP-XCENTRIC system 110-8261
B Bucuresti Eroii Revolutiei Citymall view location                              IP-XCENTRIC system 110-11921
B Bucuresti Eroilor view location                                                cosmo1 system 100-30961
B Bucuresti Facultatea de Drept                                                  cosmo1 system 100-10961
B Bucuresti Facultatea de Drept                                                  cosmo1 system 100-20961
B Bucuresti Ferdinand - Avrig                                                    Ryan Ryan 100-11791
B Bucuresti Ferentari Cibinului                                                  cosmo1 system 110-11911
B Bucuresti Ferentari Tunsu Petre                                                cosmo1 system 110-31321
B Bucuresti Ferentari Tunsu Petre,Progresu                                       cosmo1 system 110-21911
B Bucuresti Ferenteari Tunsu Petre                                               cosmo1 system 110-23661
B Bucuresti Fizicienilor                                                         cosmo1 system 130-11341
B Bucuresti Fizicienilor                                                         cosmo1 system 130-22761
B Bucuresti Fizicienilor Bobocica                                                cosmo1 system 130-21341
B Bucuresti Foisorul de Foc                                                      cosmo1 system 100-20891
B Bucuresti Gara Basarab                                                         cosmo1 system 150-10901
B Bucuresti Gara Basarab view location                                           cosmo1 system 150-21211
B Bucuresti Gara de Nord                                                         cosmo1 system 100-28935
B Bucuresti Gara de Nord                                                         cosmo1 system 150-30851
B Bucuresti Gara Herastrau cu Dimitrie Pompei                                    ronin13 system 130-31231
B Bucuresti General George Manu                                                  cosmo1 system 100-10861
B Bucuresti Ghencea view location                                                cosmo1 system 150-23701
B Bucuresti Ghencea Brasov view location                                         cosmo1 system 150-33701
B Bucuresti Grozavesti view location                                             cosmo1 system 150-22961
B Bucuresti Hotel Sofitel view location                                          upgrade system 150-12801
B Bucuresti Iancului                                                             cosmo1 system 100-11721
B Bucuresti Iancului - Bd. Ferdinand                                             Ciprian system 100-31721
B Bucuresti Iancului Electroaparataj                                             cosmo1 system 100-12941
B Bucuresti Iancului Electroaparataj                                             cosmo1 system 100-32941
B Bucuresti Iancului Victor Manu                                                 cosmo1 system 100-23081
B Bucuresti Institutul Agronomic                                                 tudorjuravlea system 150-28705
B Bucuresti Institutul de Medicina Legala                                        cosmo1 system 130-32061
B Bucuresti Institutul Pasteur view location                                     cosmo1 system 150-31075
B Bucuresti Intercontinental view location                                       Silviu Dan system 100-26691
B Bucuresti Intrare Parcul Morarilor view location                               IP-XCENTRIC system 130-32475
B Bucuresti Ion Tuculescu view location                                          cosmo1 system 100-23021
B Bucuresti Izvor view location                                                  cosmo1 system 100-10971
B Bucuresti Izvor view location                                                  cosmo1 system 100-10981
B Bucuresti Izvor, Stirbei Voda                                                  Dragos system 100-20911
B Bucuresti Lacu Morii Institutul Pasteur                                        cosmo1 system 150-11431
B Bucuresti Lacu Morii Institutul Pasteur                                        cosmo1 system 150-34461
B Bucuresti Lacul Morii                                                          cosmo1 system 150-16742
B Bucuresti Laromet                                                              Ciprian system 150-25561
B Bucuresti Lia Manoliu                                                          Dragos system 130-11961
B Bucuresti Liceul Alexandru Ioan Cuza view location                             cosmo1 system 130-21351
B Bucuresti Lizeanu si Pasajul Obor                                              cosmo1 system 130-21681
B Bucuresti Lucretiu Patrascanu view location                                    cosmo1 system 130-31351
B Bucuresti Luica                                                                cosmo1 system 110-22141
B Bucuresti Luica                                                                cosmo1 system 110-32141
B Bucuresti Maica Domnului                                                       tudorjuravlea system 130-11681
B Bucuresti Maica Domnului                                                       tudorjuravlea system 130-25081
B Bucuresti Marasesti                                                            IP-XCENTRIC system 110-31761
B Bucuresti Marriott view location                                               IP-XCENTRIC system 110-31031
B Bucuresti Matei Voievod                                                        cosmo1 system 100-32171
B Bucuresti Metalurgiei                                                          cosmo1 system 110-13671
B Bucuresti Metalurgiei                                                          cosmo1 system 110-21331
B Bucuresti Metalurgiei                                                          cosmo1 system 110--32705
B Bucuresti Metro Militari Praktiker view location                               IP-XCENTRIC system 150-32505
B Bucuresti Metrou Aparatorii Patriei                                            cosmo1 system 110-22831
B Bucuresti Metrou Aparatorii Patriei                                            cosmo1 system 110-25631
B Bucuresti Metrou Aparatorii Patriei                                            cosmo1 system 110-32061
B Bucuresti Metrou Aparatorii Patriei                                            cosmo1 system 130-21391
B Bucuresti Metrou Constantin Brancoveanu view location                          IP-XCENTRIC system 110-31931
B Bucuresti Metrou Costin Georgian                                               IP-XCENTRIC system 130-33061
B Bucuresti Metrou Dristor 1                                                     IP-XCENTRIC system 130-8671
B Bucuresti Metrou Eroilor                                                       IP-XCENTRIC system 11110-24715
B Bucuresti Metrou Gara de Nord                                                  IP-XCENTRIC system 150-8531
B Bucuresti Metrou Izvor                                                         Silviu Dan Ryan 100-8641
B Bucuresti Metrou Piata Victoriei                                               Ciprian system 100-8571
B Bucuresti Metrou Timpuri Noi view location                                     IP-XCENTRIC system 110-21781
B Bucuresti Metrou Universitate view location                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 100-8631
B Bucuresti Mihai Bravu                                                          Dragos system 130-31961
B Bucuresti Militari Piata Gorjului                                              cosmo1 system 150-11871
B Bucuresti Militari Piata Gorjului view location                                cosmo1 system 150-31871
B Bucuresti Militari Scoala Generala Nr.309                                      cosmo1 system 150-11881
B Bucuresti Militari Veteranilor view location                                   Silviu Dan system 150-22871
B Bucuresti Militari, Veteranilor                                                ronin13 system 24-7598
B Bucuresti Militari, Veteranilor                                                ronin13 system 31348-1006
B Bucuresti Militari, Veteranilor                                                ronin13 system 32632-7176
B Bucuresti Mogosoaia                                                            Ciprian system 150-16881
B Bucuresti Natiunile Unite                                                      3dWARd system 100-30981
B Bucuresti Opereta view location                                                cosmo1 system 100-20981
B Bucuresti Pache Protopopescu, Scoala Iancului                                  Dragos system 100-21721
B Bucuresti Pajura                                                               stargate system 150-12011
B Bucuresti Pajura                                                               stargate system 150-23711
B Bucuresti Pajura piata                                                         stargate system 150-33711
B Bucuresti Pajura Str.Baiculesti                                                cosmo1 system 150-26535
B Bucuresti Pantelimon, Electroaparataj                                          Dragos system 100-32595
B Bucuresti Parc I.O.R                                                           cosmo1 system 130-32525
B Bucuresti Parcul Carol view location                                           IP-XCENTRIC system 110-25341
B Bucuresti Parcul I.O.R view location                                           cosmo1 system 130-32725
B Bucuresti Parcul Morarilor view location                                       IP-XCENTRIC system 130-13061
B Bucuresti Parlament                                                            IP-XCENTRIC system 100-31041
B Bucuresti pasaj Bucur Obor                                                     tudorjuravlea system 130-10841
B Bucuresti Patriarhia Romana                                                    Ciprian system 100-21041
B Bucuresti Perla                                                                cosmo1 system 100-21661
B Bucuresti Piaţa Alba Iulia                                                    Dragos system 100-22731
B Bucuresti Piata Bobocica                                                       cosmo1 system 130-15421
B Bucuresti Piata Buzesti                                                        cosmo1 system 100-26601
B Bucuresti Piata Crangasi                                                       cosmo1 system 150-21521
B Bucuresti Piata Dorobanti                                                      cosmo1 system 100-31661
B Bucuresti Piata Dorobanti                                                      tudorjuravlea system 100-21071
B Bucuresti Piata Dorobanti                                                      tudorjuravlea system 100-31071
B Bucuresti Piata Gemenii                                                        cosmo1 system 130-28275
B Bucuresti Piata Iancului                                                       kermit system 100-13081
B Bucuresti Piata Muncii                                                         cosmo1 system 100-21791
B Bucuresti Piata Muncii                                                         cosmo1 system 100-33021
B Bucuresti Piata Muncii                                                         Dragos system 100-32515
B Bucuresti Piata Pajura                                                         cosmo1 system 150-31825
B Bucuresti Piata Presei Libere                                                  cosmo1 system 150-16831
B Bucuresti Piata Presei Libere                                                  cosmo1 system 150-22801
B Bucuresti Piata Rahova                                                         cosmo1 system 110-31875
B Bucuresti Piata Romana                                                         cosmo1 system 100-9081
B Bucuresti Piata Romana                                                         Dragos system 100-20811
B Bucuresti Piata Rosetti                                                        cosmo1 system 100-15651
B Bucuresti Piata Rosseti                                                        cosmo1 system 100-29885
B Bucuresti Piata Salajan                                                        cosmo1 system 130-22051
B Bucuresti Piata Salajan                                                        cosmo1 system 130-32051
B Bucuresti Piata Sudului view location                                          IP-XCENTRIC system 110-8281
B Bucuresti Piata Sudului Big Berceni view location                              IP-XCENTRIC system 110-21931
B Bucuresti Piata Sudului Big Berceni view location                              IP-XCENTRIC system 110-23001
B Bucuresti Piata Traian                                                         Ciprian system 100-11741
B Bucuresti Piata Unirii view location                                           cosmo1 system 100-26621
B Bucuresti Piata Unirii view location                                           cosmo1 system 100-30991
B Bucuresti Piata Unirii view location                                           cosmo1 system 110-11051
B Bucuresti Piata Unirii view location                                           cosmo1 system 110-21051
B Bucuresti Piata Victoriei                                                      Ryan Ryan 100-30801
B Bucuresti Pictor Harlescu                                                      cosmo1 system 130-12821
B Bucuresti Pipera                                                               tudorjuravlea system 130-12121
B Bucuresti Pod Grant view location                                              cosmo1 system 150-31211
B Bucuresti Pod Izvor view location                                              cosmo1 system 100-20971
B Bucuresti Pod Izvor view location                                              cosmo1 system 100-30971
B Bucuresti Posta Titan                                                          cosmo1 system 130-22811
B Bucuresti Posta Titan                                                          cosmo1 system 130-32811
B Bucuresti Potcoava view location                                               cosmo1 system 130-22821
B Bucuresti Prelungirea Ferentari                                                cosmo1 system 110-31921
B Bucuresti Primaria Sector 1                                                    kermit system 150-11631
B Bucuresti Rahova Petre Ispirescu                                               cosmo1 system 110-11311
B Bucuresti Rahova Petre Ispirescu                                               cosmo1 system 110-32921
B Bucuresti Razoare                                                              cosmo1 system 110-31011
B Bucuresti Republica                                                            cosmo1 system 130-15901
B Bucuresti Republica                                                            cosmo1 system 130-22041
B Bucuresti Republica                                                            cosmo1 system 130-35901
B Bucuresti Rodell                                                               Ciprian system 150-26381
B Bucuresti ROMEXPO                                                              kermit system 150-19001
B Bucuresti ROMEXPO                                                              upgrade system 150-32735
B Bucuresti Rond Cosbuc Bingo Europa                                             IP-XCENTRIC system 110-35341
B Bucuresti Rudeni                                                               Allyn31 system 150-28794
B Bucuresti Saftica                                                              IP-XCENTRIC system 4700-13112
B Bucuresti Saftica                                                              IP-XCENTRIC system 4700-23112
B Bucuresti Salaj view location                                                  cosmo1 system 110-22931
B Bucuresti Sebastian                                                            cosmo1 system 110-32605
B Bucuresti Sebastian                                                            cosmo1 system 110-32931
B Bucuresti Sincai                                                               cosmo1 system 110-36681
B Bucuresti Sos Berceni cu Sos Brancoveanu                                       cosmo1 system 110-23671
B Bucuresti Sos Giurgiului,Flamura,Pta Progresu                                  IP-XCENTRIC system 110-31815
B Bucuresti SOS. Bucuresti - Targoviste                                          Ciprian system 150-29975
B Bucuresti Soseaua Berceni                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 110-32831
B Bucuresti Soseaua Berceni view location                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 110-15621
B Bucuresti Soseaua Berceni view location                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 110-23041
B Bucuresti Soseaua Berceni OMV                                                  IP-XCENTRIC system 110--32495
B Bucuresti Soseaua Berceni OMV view location                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 110-33041
B Bucuresti Soseaua Campia Libertatii view location                              cosmo1 system 130-13011
B Bucuresti Soseaua Giurgiului                                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 110-11321
B Bucuresti Soseaua Giurgiului view location                                     IP-XCENTRIC system 110-21921
B Bucuresti Soseaua Mihai Bravu                                                  cosmo1 system 100-12741
B Bucuresti Soseaua Progresu                                                     cosmo1 system 110-31151
B Bucuresti Soseaua Progresului                                                  cosmo1 system 110-21161
B Bucuresti Soseaua Salaj                                                        cosmo1 system 110-31911
B Bucuresti Spital Bagdasar Arseni Psihiatrie Obregia view location              IP-XCENTRIC system 110-11331
B Bucuresti Spital Budimex view location                                         IP-XCENTRIC system 110-12841
B Bucuresti Spitalul Clinic Colentina                                            cosmo1 system 130-31681
B Bucuresti Spitalul Colentina                                                   tudorjuravlea system 130-10821
B Bucuresti Spitalul Sfantul Pantelimon                                          IP-XCENTRIC system 130-21361
B Bucuresti Spitalul Sfantul Pantelimon                                          IP-XCENTRIC system 130-32041
B Bucuresti Spitalul Sfantul Pantelimon Parcul Morarilor view location           IP-XCENTRIC system 130-11971
B Bucuresti St Metrou Eroilor                                                    Silviu Dan system 100-8651
B Bucuresti St Metrou Unirii 1 view location                                     Silviu Dan system 100-8601
B Bucuresti Stadionu Dinamo view location                                        cosmo1 system 130-30821
B Bucuresti str Batistei, IL Caragiale view location                             IP-XCENTRIC system 100-20881
B Bucuresti str Mitropolit Nifon view location                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 110-30195
B Bucuresti Strada Luica                                                         cosmo1 system 110-22071
B Bucuresti Strada Polona                                                        Dragos system 130-32091
B Bucuresti Strand Studentesc                                                    cosmo1 system 150-11861
B Bucuresti Targ Auto Vitan                                                      cosmo1 system 130-25421
B Bucuresti Televiziunea Nationala                                               cosmo1 system 150-11841
B Bucuresti Televiziunea Nationala                                               cosmo1 system 150-31841
B Bucuresti Tepes Voda                                                           cosmo1 system 100-22171
B Bucuresti Timpuri Noi                                                          cosmo1 system 110-26631
B Bucuresti Tineretului                                                          IP-XCENTRIC system 110-8251
B Bucuresti Tineretului view location                                            cosmo1 system 110-21761
B Bucuresti Tineretului Sincai                                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 110-11021
B Bucuresti Tineretului,Serban Voda,Cutitul de Argint view location              IP-XCENTRIC system 110-31021
B Bucuresti Tineretului-Eroii Revolutiei view location                           IP-XCENTRIC system 110-12991
B Bucuresti Tineretului-Timpuri Noi view location                                IP-XCENTRIC system 110-28855
B Bucuresti Toporasi Ghimpati                                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 110-32841
B Bucuresti Toporasi Ghimpati                                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 110-35621
B Bucuresti Trafic Greu                                                          cosmo1 system 110-21011
B Bucuresti Trafic Greu                                                          cosmo1 system 110-21031
B Bucuresti Turbotequilla                                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 150-23031
B Bucuresti Udriste                                                              Dragos system 100-12161
B Bucuresti Unirii 1 Corespondenta view location                                 IP-XCENTRIC system 100-8611
B Bucuresti Universitate                                                         Allyn31 system 100-20931
B Bucuresti Universitate                                                         cosmo1 system 100-30931
B Bucuresti Universitate                                                         Dragos system 100-16621
B Bucuresti Universitate-BCR                                                     Allyn31 system 100-8551
B Bucuresti Vitan, Mall                                                          Dragos system 100-15911
B Bucuresti Vitan, Mall                                                          Dragos system 100-22785
B Bucuresti Vitan, Mall                                                          Dragos system 100-8341
B Bucuresti YKK                                                                  3dWARd system 150-32652
B Bucuresti Zetari                                                               cosmo1 system 110-1321
B Bucuresti Zetari                                                               cosmo1 system 110-21321
B Ciolpani Ciolpani                                                              IP-XCENTRIC system 4700-20202
B Tancabesti Tancabesti                                                          IP-XCENTRIC system 4700-6922
bacau comanesti acasa                                                            mihai mihai 3900-20704
bacau moinesti schela                                                            mihai mihai 3900-30714
BN  BISTRITA beclean                                                             sorin system 7600-27089
BN  BISTRITA beclean                                                             sorin system 7600-32697
BN  BISTRITA centura                                                             sorin system 7600-22059
Brasov Sinaia E60                                                                nykolas79 nykolas79 7100-25140
Bt Botosani B-dul M Eminescu, Liceul At Laurian, Autogara Priscom                Codyms system 2800-11944
Bt Botosani Calea Nationala, Banc Post, Bis Sf Ilie, Doc Pizza                   Codyms system 2800-30944
Bt Botosani Calea Nationala, Catamarasti Deal, Zona Industriala, ElectroAlfa     Codyms system 2800-21364
Bt Botosani Calea Nationala, Gara, Autogara TransDor, Pars                       Codyms system 2800-32394
Bt Botosani Calea Nationala, Sc nr11, Stadion                                    Codyms system 2800-12394
Bt Botosani Centru, Bazar, Cimitirul evreiesc                                    Codyms system 2800-21174
Bt Botosani Centru, Piata Mare, Vegastel, Sabrini, BIG                           Codyms system 2800-31174
Bt Botosani Centrul Vechi, Strada Postei                                         Codyms system 2800-11174
Bt Botosani Lebada, Zona Rezidentiala Sc Duomat Construct                        Codyms system 2800-20834
Bt Botosani Primaverii, Calea Nationala, Ire, Bis Sf Apostoli Petru si Pavel     Codyms system 2800-30954
Bt Botosani Sucevei                                                              Codyms system 2800-22394
Bt Botosani Zona Industriala, Liceu Textil                                       Codyms system 2800-11364
Bt Bucecea Zona rezidentiala                                                     Codyms system 2800-22194
Bt Candesti Candesti                                                             Codyms system 3100-31202
Bt Candesti Localitate de frontiera, Centru                                      Codyms system 3100-30574
Bt Catamarasti Deal Dn29b, Iesire Botosani                                       Codyms system 2800-24324
Bt Copalau E58, Copalau, Cotu                                                    Codyms system 2800-10054
Bt Copalau E58, intrare Copalau,                                                 Codyms system 2800-11704
Bt Dorohoi Centru Protopopiat                                                    Codyms system 3100-31464
Bt Dorohoi Centru, Parcul Cholet                                                 Codyms system 3100-21464
Bt Dorohoi Petrom, Intrare Dorohoi                                               Codyms system 3100-10564
Bt Flamanzi Centru, Frumusica, Radeni,                                           Codyms system 2800-20054
Bt Horlaceni Iesire Dorohoi                                                      Codyms system 3100-30564
Bt Leorda Leorda, Gara, Sat Dolina, Centru, Statie maxi-taxi                     Codyms system 2800-23034
Bt Leorda Sat Dolina, Acasa la bunici Codyms                                     Codyms system 2800-32502
Bt Leorda/Cucorani Dn29b, Leorda, Suinprod S.A, Popas Cucorani                   Codyms system 2800-13034
Bt Talpa+Lunca Talpa, Lunca, Varfu Campului, Ionaseni                            Codyms system 3100-10574
Bt Zaicesti Baluseni, Camp, Schitul Zosin                                        Codyms system 2800-10834
BV Bran pizza buna                                                               z3alin z3alin 7100-11660
BV Brasov Brasov                                                                 3dWARd system 6800-10666
BV Brasov Brasov                                                                 3dWARd system 6800-22010
BV Brasov Busteni                                                                3dWARd system 7100-25466
BV Brasov Busteni                                                                3dWARd system 7100-966
BV Brasov Casablanca                                                             3dWARd system 6400-8020
BV Brasov Facultatea de Drept                                                    3dWARd system 6400-10640
BV Brasov Gara                                                                   3dWARd system 6400-11060
BV Brasov Gara                                                                   3dWARd system 6400-22550
BV Brasov Gara                                                                   3dWARd system 6400-30756
BV Brasov Gara                                                                   3dWARd system 6400-32550
BV Brasov Grivitei, Plevnei                                                      3dWARd system 6400-21060
BV Brasov Hidromecanica                                                          3dWARd system 6400-22160
BV Brasov Livada Postei                                                          3dWARd system 6400-30640
BV Brasov Memorandului                                                           3dWARd system 6400-21070
BV Brasov Piata Sfatului                                                         3dWARd system 6400-11080
BV Brasov Piata Sfatului                                                         3dWARd system 6400-20640
BV Brasov Piata Traian                                                           3dWARd system 6800-31510
BV Brasov Poarta Schei                                                           3dWARd system 6400-21080
BV Brasov Selgros                                                                3dWARd system 6800-30666
BV Brasov Tequila Bowling                                                        3dWARd system 6400-11070
BV Brasov Timisul de Sus                                                         3dWARd system 7100-15466
BV Brasov Tribunal                                                               3dWARd system 6400-21870
BV zarnesti acasa                                                                z3alin z3alin 7100-11330
BZ BOLDU CENTRU                                                                  nicuaab nicuaab 3800-31027
BZ BUZAU DACIA SERVICE                                                           nicuaab nicuaab 3800-30107
BZ BUZAU XXL                                                                     nicuaab nicuaab 3800-10727
BZ MARACINENI DACIA SERVICE                                                      nicuaab nicuaab 3800-10467
BZ OREAVU PECO                                                                   system nicuaab 3800-30497
BZ POSTA CALNAU CENTRU                                                           nicuaab nicuaab 3800-20907
BZ RM  SARAT C.BRANCOVEANU 4-SERVICE GSM                                         nicuaab nicuaab 3800-20497
BZ RM  SARAT DN 2-E 85  COMISOAIA                                                nicuaab nicuaab 3800-10107
BZ RM  SARAT DN 2-E 85  COMISOAIA                                                nicuaab nicuaab 3800-14267
BZ RM  SARAT MAGAZIN VICTORIA                                                    system nicuaab 3800-10497
Cj Campia Turzii str.1 dec. 1918                                                 system system 6300-11349
Cj Campia Turzii str.Laminoristilor                                              system system 6300-21349
Cj Campia Turzii str.Laminoristilor                                              system system 6300-32629
Cj Cluj Napoca spitalul judetean militar                                         system system 7200-21539
Cj Cluj Napoca spitalul judetean militar                                         system system 7200-31539
Cj Cluj Napoca str. Victor Babes                                                 system system 7200-11519
Cj Luna Drum european E60                                                        system system 6300-22629
Cj Luna-Luncani Drum european E60                                                system system 6000-26259
Cj Turda Autogara                                                                system system 6300-11729
Cj Turda Autogara sens vest                                                      system system 6300-31729
Cj Turda str.Amurgului                                                           system system 6300-12729
Cj Turda str.Campiei                                                             system system 6300-15489
Cj Turda str.Stefan cel mare                                                     system system 6300-21729
Cj Turda str.Stefan cel mare                                                     system system 6300-22729
CL Com. Tamadau Mare DN3                                                         Ciprian system 4200-32224
CL Fundulea DN3                                                                  Ciprian system 4200-27392
CL Fundulea DN3                                                                  Ciprian system 4200-28144
CL Tamadau Mare DN 3                                                             Ryan Ryan 4200-23312
CT CONSTANTA ALEEA GAROFITEI 22                                                  system system 4100-20722
CT Constanta Autogara Tomis Nord                                                 adioperator system 4100-23102
CT Constanta Bd. Al. Lapusneanu, Hotel Oxford                                    adioperator system 4100-23402
CT Constanta B-dul Tomis                                                         adioperator system 4100-22402
CT Constanta B-dul Tomis, Peco OMV                                               adioperator system 4100-12402
CT Constanta DN 22 Km 283, Loc. Ovidiu                                           adioperator system 4100-29164
CT Constanta DN 22, Loc. Ovidiu                                                  adioperator system 4100-16372
CT Constanta E 60, Constanta, Metro                                              adioperator system 4100-32402
CT Constanta E 60, Loc. Ovidiu                                                   adioperator system 4100-26372
CT DN 22 DN 22 Km 241 Loc. M. Viteazu                                            adioperator system 4000-10207
CT DN 22 DN 22 Km 245                                                            adioperator system 4000-20207
CT DN 22 DN 22 Km 254, Loc. Tariverde                                            adioperator system 4000-27422
CT DN 22 DN 22 Km 274                                                            adioperator system 4100-342
CT DN 22 DN 22 Km 279                                                            adioperator system 4100-11572
CT Mamaia Hotel Flora                                                            adioperator system 4100-13392
CT Mamaia Hotel Perla                                                            adioperator system 4100-13402
CT Mamaia Hotel Perla                                                            adioperator system 4100-32434
CT Mamaia Plaja Fontanella                                                       adioperator system 4100-17512
CT Mamaia Plaja Mamaia                                                           adioperator system 4100-27512
CT Mamaia Plaja, Studiourile Radio Vacanta                                       adioperator system 4100-32134
CT Mamaia Plaja, Zona Club 21                                                    adioperator system 4100-23392
Ct Neptun Km 0 Neptun oras                                                       vladp vladp 4100-23372
Ct Neptun Plaja hotel Traian                                                     vladp vladp 4100-10112
Db Costesti Deal Costesti Deal                                                   Allyn31 system 4300-4172
db dambovita dealu mare                                                          3dWARd system 4300-4132
db fieni fieni                                                                   3dWARd system 4300-12672
db fieni fieni                                                                   3dWARd system 4300-32672
db fieni motaieni                                                                3dWARd system 4300-22672
Db Lunguletu Lunguletu                                                           Allyn31 system 4300-28734
db pietrosita moroieni                                                           3dWARd system 4300-572
Db Salcuta Salcuta                                                               Allyn31 system 4300-13212
Db Salcuta Salcuta                                                               Allyn31 system 4300-23212
DB Targoviste Autogara                                                           3dWARd system 4300-32364
DJ Craiova 1 Mai - Pelendava                                                     upgrade system 5200-30675
DJ Craiova Aeroport - Metro                                                      upgrade system 5200-10645
DJ Craiova Albota                                                                upgrade system 4300-10782
DJ Craiova Automatica                                                            upgrade system 5200-30925
DJ Craiova Banie                                                                 Alin system 5200-32025
DJ Craiova b-dul N. Titulescu - Scoala Decebal                                   kermit system 5200-30685
DJ Craiova BILLA                                                                 upgrade system 5200-20665
DJ Craiova Biserica Madonna                                                      upgrade system 5200-10905
DJ Craiova Brazda,Liceul Pedagogic                                               Alin system 5200-21835
DJ Craiova cart. Brazda - Baba Novac                                             kermit system 5200-20885
DJ Craiova cart. Brazda - Big Vechi                                              kermit system 5200-10885
DJ Craiova cart. Sarari - Lic. Electroputere                                     kermit system 5200-21485
DJ Craiova Catedrala Sf. Dumitru                                                 Alin system 5200-20905
DJ Craiova Colegiul National "Fratii Buzesti"                                    Alin system 5200-11225
DJ Craiova com. Carcea                                                           kermit system 5200-21925
DJ Craiova com. Carcea                                                           kermit system 5200-23515
DJ Craiova Craiovita - Penny Market                                              upgrade system 5200-21205
DJ Craiova Daewoo                                                                Alin system 5200-21945
DJ Craiova DN 6/ Selgros/ Facai                                                  kermit system 5200-11335
DJ Craiova George Enescu                                                         upgrade system 5200-10665
DJ Craiova George Enescu                                                         upgrade system 5200-31835
DJ Craiova Hanul Doctorului                                                      upgrade system 5200-20645
DJ Craiova Lapus - Hotel Helin                                                   upgrade system 5200-10925
DJ Craiova METRO                                                                 upgrade system 5200-8045
DJ Craiova Parcul Puskin                                                         upgrade system 5200-20915
DJ Craiova Parcul Romanescu                                                      upgrade system 5200-31485
DJ Craiova Piata Centrala                                                        kermit system 5200-31215
DJ Craiova Popoveni                                                              upgrade system 5200-31965
DJ Craiova Primarie                                                              upgrade system 5200-30635
DJ Craiova Selgros                                                               kermit system 5200-11945
DJ Craiova SELGROS                                                               kermit system 5200-12025
DJ Craiova Siloz,piata                                                           Alin system 5200-11485
DJ Craiova Spitalul 2                                                            upgrade system 5200-20685
DJ Craiova Spitalul nr. 1                                                        upgrade system 5200-31225
DJ Craiova Spitalul nr. 3                                                        upgrade system 5200-31495
DJ Craiova str. Caracal - Banie                                                  kermit system 5200-22025
DJ Craiova str. Paltinis/Liceul C.F.R.                                           kermit system 5200-10635
DJ Craiova Targ Romanesti                                                        upgrade system 5200-21965
DJ Craiova Universitate                                                          kermit system 5200-22015
DJ Craiova Universitate                                                          upgrade system 5200-12015
DJ Craiova Universitate,Casa Studentilor                                         Alin system 5200-20635
DJ Dabuleni                                                                      upgrade system 4800-10515
DJ E79 Galicea Mare                                                              upgrade system 5100-31055
DJ E79 Giubega                                                                   upgrade system 5100-10165
DJ E79 Perisor                                                                   upgrade system 5100-21895
DJ E79 Podari                                                                    upgrade system 5200-21335
DJ E79 Radovan                                                                   upgrade system 5100-21565
Dolj Craiova Amaradia                                                            Alin system 5200-10685
Dolj Craiova Brazda,scoala nr23                                                  Alin system 5200-11215
Dolj Craiova Brazda,Str Doljului(Club Melody/Simplon/Liceul Titulescu)           Alin system 5200-30885
Dolj Craiova Cartierul Nisipului,Dorobantiei                                     Alin system 5200-30665
Dolj Craiova Cartierul Nisipului,Dorobantiei                                     Alin system 5200-30905
Dolj Craiova Fantana arteziana,Doljana                                           Alin system 5200-18035
GJ Defileul Jiului Dn 66 Lainici Bumbesti Jiu                                    djadi21 djadi21 4900-11075
GJ Dn 66 - Bumbesti Jiu Drumul National 66, Iezureni - Valea Sadulu - Bumbesti Jiui djadi21 djadi21 4900-10115
GJ Dn 66 Drumul national 66, Lainici - Petrosani                                 djadi21 djadi21 4900-21075
GJ Iezureni Iezureni                                                             djadi21 djadi21 4900-14215
GJ Targu Jiu - Iezureni Cartier Paltinis - Lotus - Iezureni                      djadi21 djadi21 4900-11285
GJ Targu Jiu Centru - Magazinul Parangu                                          djadi21 djadi21 4900-20125
GJ Targu Jiu Parcul Poarta Sarutului - Piata centrala                            djadi21 djadi21 4900-30125
GJ Targu Jiu Piata centrala                                                      djadi21 djadi21 4900-10125
Gl Galati Centru -Faleza -Modern                                                 viorel vladp 3600-20397
Gl Galati complex  WINMARKT                                                      vladp vladp 3600-30397
Gl Galati Complex Studentesc                                                     Vladp system 3600-30867
Gl Galati Gara                                                                   vladp vladp 3600-10867
Gl Galati Miorita Garii                                                          viorel vladp 3600-10567
Gl Galati Orange Shop, str. Brailei                                              vladp vladp 3600-11127
Gl Galati Parcul de Soft, Port                                                   Vladp system 3600-10397
Gl Galati Parcul de Soft, Port                                                   Vladp system 3600-21317
Gl Galati Str. Brailei, Sediul Connex                                            vladp vladp 3600-20557
Gl Tecuci Gara Mare                                                              vladp vladp 3700-20777
Gl Tecuci Nichiseni Gara                                                         vladp vladp 3300-30147
HD Aninoasa - Petrila Iscroni - Taia                                             DjAdi21 system 5600-7478
HD Baru Mare - Banita Baru Mare, Banita, Drumul national Petrosani - Hateg       DjAdi21 system 5600-27458
HD Baru Mare Hanul Bolestilor - Drumul national Petrosani - Hateg                DjAdi21 system 5600-10168
HD Batiz - Bacia Batiz - Bacia, Casablanca                                       DjAdi21 system 5600-21308
HD Calan CSV Calan                                                               DjAdi21 system 5600-10158
Hd Campuri Surduc - Tataresti Campu Surduc - Tataresti                           DjAdi21 system 5600-20088
HD DEVA CEANGAI BISERICA CATOLICA,SINTUHALM                                      soryn system 5600-11118
HD DEVA CRISTUR                                                                  soryn system 5600-21908
HD DEVA HOTEL SARMIS view location                                               soryn system 5600-31118
HD DEVA POLITIA JUDETEANA view location                                          soryn system 5600-21398
HD DEVA SINTUHALM                                                                soryn system 5600-11908
HD DEVA SOSEAUA DE CENTURA                                                       soryn system 5600-11398
HD DEVA SOSEAUA DE CENTURA                                                       soryn system 5600-4818
HD DEVA STR. MIHAIL EMINESCU                                                     soryn system 5600-31398
HD DEVA SUPERMARKET ULPIA view location                                          soryn system 5600-21118
HD DEVA ZONA GARII                                                               soryn system 5600-21958
HD DEVA ZONA INDUSTRIALA,KOGALNICEANU                                            soryn system 5600-11958
HD DN 7 MINTIA                                                                   soryn system 5600-10098
HD DN 7 SPINI                                                                    soryn system 5600-20118
HD DN 76 CAINELU DE JOS                                                          soryn system 5600-11828
HD DN 76 DEALU MARE                                                              soryn system 5600-20138
HD DN 76 FORNADIA SALISTIOARA                                                    soryn system 5600-11808
HD Dn Bretea Strei, Drumul national Hateg - Deva                                 DjAdi21 system 5600-20158
HD Dn Drumul national Bacia - Deva                                               DjAdi21 system 5600-11308
HD Dn Drumul national Hateg - Simeria                                            DjAdi21 system 5600-10508
HD Dn Drumul national Orastie - Simeria                                          DjAdi21 system 5600-30118
HD Dn Drumul national Petrosani - Hateg                                          DjAdi21 system 5600-17628
HD Dn HYPERMARKET BILLA, GARA, McDonald`s                                        soryn system 5600-31958
HD E 68 BEJAN                                                                    soryn system 5600-21828
HD E 68 CAINELU DE JOS                                                           soryn system 5600-21808
HD E 68 SOIMUS                                                                   soryn system 5600-3528
Hd Gothatea - Dn 7 Gothatea - Drumul National 7                                  DjAdi21 system 5600-24828
HD Hateg Orasul Hateg - Drumul national Petrosani - Hateg                        DjAdi21 system 5600-20508
HD HUNEDOARA Bar Traian                                                          soryn soryn 5600-10148
HD HUNEDOARA CASA DE CULTURA view location                                       soryn system 5600-31138
HD HUNEDOARA HD STIL                                                             soryn soryn 5600-11138
HD HUNEDOARA RUSCA                                                               soryn soryn 5600-21138
Hd Ilia - Dn 7 Ilia - Drumul National 7                                          DjAdi21 system 5600-10088
Hd Ilia - Secamas - Dn 7 Ilia - Centru - Drumul National 7                       DjAdi21 system 5600-6298
HD Lupeni - Straja Statiunea turistica Straja                                    DjAdi21 system 5600-22148
HD Lupeni Centru - Spitalul municipal - Cinema Cultural                          DjAdi21 system 5600-21678
Hd Mintia - Lesnic Termocentrala Mintia - Lesnic                                 DjAdi21 system 5600-20098
HD Orastie Colegiul Decebal                                                      DjAdi21 system 5600-11788
HD Pestera Bolii Depou - Pestera Bolii                                           DjAdi21 system 5600-17458
HD Petrila Tunel - Strada Minei                                                  DjAdi21 system 5600-10188
HD Petrosani Aeroport - Livezeni                                                 DjAdi21 system 5600-20818
HD Petrosani Centru Nord, Banc Post, C.E.C.                                      DjAdi21 system 5600-31988
HD Petrosani Centru Nord, Restaurantul Bulevard, Flamingo                        DjAdi21 system 5600-21988
HD Petrosani Depou C.F.R. - Hanul Casa Gorjana Petrosani                         DjAdi21 system 5600-20188
HD Petrosani Hermes - Primaria - Cartierul Mignon                                DjAdi21 system 5600-10818
HD Petrosani Posta Roama - Romtelecom                                            DjAdi21 system 5600-11988
HD Pui Orasul Pui - Drumul national Petrosani - Hateg                            DjAdi21 system 5600-20168
HD SIMERIA PIATA CENTRALA,UROI                                                   soryn system 5600-31308
HD SIMERIA PRINCIPALA                                                            soryn system 5600-1948
HD VALISOARA PRIMARIE view location                                              soryn system 5600-10138
HD Vulcan - Lupeni Baza de agrement Vulcan - Statiunea turistica Straja          DjAdi21 system 5600-12148
HD Vulcan - Lupeni Termocentrala Paroseni                                        DjAdi21 system 5600-11678
HD Vulcan Centru - Unic                                                          DjAdi21 system 5600-20198
HD Vulcan Valea Ungurului - Disco No Problem                                     DjAdi21 system 5600-10198
HR Miercurea Ciuc com. Sancraieni                                                tati tati 6700-32186
HR Miercurea Ciuc lacul Suta                                                     tati tati 6700-21820
HR Miercurea Ciuc str. Brasovului                                                tati tati 6700-21830
HR Miercurea Ciuc str. Mihai Eminescu                                            ake05 tati 6700-31570
HR Miercurea Ciuc str. Mihai Eminescu                                            tati tati 6700-11570
HR Miercurea Ciuc str. Mihai Eminescu                                            tati tati 6700-21310
HR Miercurea Ciuc str. Mihai Eminesu                                             tati tati 6700-31310
HR Miercurea Ciuc str. Patinoarului                                              tati tati 6700-11830
HR Miercurea Ciuc str. Tudor Vladimirescu                                        tati tati 6700-21570
HR Miercurea-Ciuc Revolutiei din Decembrie                                       ake05 ake05 6700-31820
HR Miercurea-Ciuc str.Revolutiei din Decembrie                                   ake05 ake05 6700-11310
HR Toplita str.Stefan cel Mare                                                   ake05 ake05 6600-10490
HR Toplita str.Stefan cel Mare                                                   ake05 ake05 6600-20490
IF Branesti Branesti                                                             Ciprian system 4200-3302
IF Buftea Buftea                                                                 3dWARd system 150-21472
IF Buftea Buftea                                                                 Allyn31 system 150-13442
IF Ciorogarla Hotar Ciorogarla-Bolentin Deal                                     Allyn31 system 150-10132
IF DN3 Branesti - Islaz                                                          Ciprian system 4200-20012
IF IF Autostrada A1 km25-36 view location                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 150-30132
IF IF Autostrada A1 km30                                                         IP-XCENTRIC system 150-28194
IF IF Autostrada A1 km38-40                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 150-3462
IF IF Autostrada A1 km41-43                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 150-15282
IF IF Autostrada A1 km43-46                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 150-30254
IF IF Autostrada A1 km48-50                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-25192
IF IF Autostrada A1 km54-60                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-30344
IF IF Autostrada A1 km61-70                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-10152
IF IF Autostrada A1 km71-85 view location                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-30152
IF IF Autostrada A1 km86-97                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-10162
IF IF Autostrada A1 km98-105                                                     IP-XCENTRIC system 4300-20162
IF Islaz DN3                                                                     Ciprian system 4200-10012
IF Pantelimon Acumulatorul S.A.                                                  Ciprian system 130-11371
IF Pantelimon Padure                                                             Ciprian system 130-15511
IF Pantelimon Pantelimon                                                         Ciprian system 130-31371
IF Pantelimon Petrom                                                             Ciprian system 130-25511
IL Andrasesti sat Andrasesti                                                     storcky system 4200-26122
IL Andrasesti sat Orboiesti                                                      storcky system 4200-10282
IL Ciochina Ciochina                                                             storcky system 4200-20282
IL Ciorogarla Centru Autostrada A1                                               Allyn31 system 150-28284
IL Ciorogarla Centru,autostrada A1 km22                                          Allyn31 system 150-27122
IL Perieti sat Perieti                                                           storcky system 4200-16122
IL Slobozia Centru                                                               storcky system 4200-25712
IL Slobozia Gara, Piata                                                          storcky storcky 4200-29824
IL Slobozia Gara, Piata                                                          storcky system 4200--29824
IL Slobozia Gara, Piata                                                          storcky system 4200-35712
IL Slobozia Pod                                                                  storcky system 4200-15712
Is Cotnari Bals, Boureni/Primarie,Centru, Biserica                               Codyms system 3500-20024
Is Cotnari Buhalnita, Podgorii intinse...                                        Codyms system 3500-10024
Is Delimitare Camp, Delimitare judete. Iasi/Botosani                             Codyms system 3500-11504
Is Delimitare Delimitare judete. Iasi/Botosani                                   Codyms system 5030-11017
Is e583 Sarca, Baltati                                                           Codyms system 3500-10034
Is E583 Sarca, Motel                                                             Codyms system 3500-24752
Is E583 Tg Frumos, Baltati, Razboieni                                            Codyms system 3500-11804
Is Harlau Centru, Scobinti, Intrare Harlau                                       Codyms system 3500-31504
Is Iasi Alexandru cel Bun, Minerva, Pizzeria Rita                                Codyms system 3200-12494
Is Iasi Alexandru cel Bun, Pod de piatra, Pizzeria Cool                          Codyms system 3200-26264
Is Iasi B52, Sc Moldova general S.A                                              Codyms system 3500-11184
Is Iasi Baza Copou, BCU, Fidelio Supermarket                                     Codyms system 3200-22414
Is Iasi B-dul Socola, Luckoil, Bularga,Moldomobila                               system system 3200-12314
Is Iasi B-dul Socola,Biserica, Plus Net                                          Codyms system 3200-32314
Is Iasi Billa Supermarket, Trax, Optimedia, Gara,Bingo                           Codyms system 3200-22244
Is Iasi Cartier Mircea+Zona rezidentiala                                         Codyms system 3200-22494
Is Iasi Centru, Filarmonica, Independentei, Flanco, Pizza Diavolo                Codyms system 3200-11324
Is Iasi Centru,Moldova Mall+ Palatul Culturii                                    Codyms system 3200-11334
Is Iasi Confluenta cartiere Dacia+Alexandru                                      Codyms system 3200-32494
Is Iasi Copou Targusor,Sararie Sc. Textil S.A                                    Codyms system 3500-11354
Is Iasi Copou, Bcu                                                               Codyms system 3200-31494
IS Iasi Copou, Frederick nr. 5A                                                  Seman Alexandru system 3500-11994
Is Iasi Copou, Universitate, Camine 5-8                                          Codyms system 3200-10964
Is Iasi Copou,Academia Romana, Casa Pogor                                        Codyms system 3200-32414
Is Iasi Copou+Zona rezidentiala, ISPA, Facultatea de medicina veterinara         Codyms system 3500-31354
Is Iasi Cug, Capat traseu 105, statie peco                                       Codyms system 3200-11494
Is Iasi Cug, Fortus S.A, Capat CUG                                               Codyms system 3200-21494
Is Iasi Cug, Kiss Hellios                                                        Codyms system 3200-20984
Is Iasi Dacia, Petrom, Compania de constructii                                   Codyms system 3200-31604
Is Iasi Doi Baieti, K-max supermarket                                            Codyms system 3500-30044
Is Iasi Doi Baieti, Memory Pizza                                                 Codyms system 3200-10794
Is Iasi Galata, Biserica, Spital recuperare                                      Codyms system 3200-22254
Is Iasi Gara, Bingo, Autogara Vama Veche                                         Codyms system 3200-29272
Is Iasi Hotel Europa                                                             Codyms system 3200-32504
Is Iasi Hypermarket Dedeman Bulevardul Potier, Euro Oil                          Codyms system 3200-22314
IS Iasi Mircea cel Batran, scoala nr16                                           Codyms system 3200-32254
Is Iasi Nicolina, Bazar                                                          Codyms system 3200-21764
Is Iasi Nicolina, gara internationala                                            Codyms system 3200-31764
Is Iasi Nicolina, Pod, Biserica, Belvedere                                       Codyms system 3200-10984
Is Iasi Orange shop, Hala Centrala                                               Codyms system 3200-8074
Is Iasi Pacurari, Dacia, Construct Group, Lafarge                                Codyms system 3500-21134
Is Iasi Pacurari, Iesire Iasi, Dealer Dacia, Nissan,                             Codyms system 3500-31134
Is Iasi Pacurari, Mobexpert                                                      Codyms system 3200--29272
Is Iasi Pacurari,Ing, Depozitul de Calculatoare, Twister IT, cart Billa          Codyms system 3200-20964
IS Iasi Penitenciar-Botanica                                                     Codyms system 3200-30964
Is Iasi Piata Cug, Siraj, Inspectoratul de jandarmi                              Codyms system 3200-12444
Is Iasi Piata Dacia,Pacurari Dedeman, Autogara                                   Codyms system 3500-11134
Is Iasi Piata Sf Anton de Padova, Dacia, Pacurari Benzinariile Mol+Rompetrol Cart Billa Codyms system 3200-11604
Is Iasi Piata Unirii, Agentia Tarom, Zapp                                        Codyms system 3200-12244
Is Iasi Piata Unirii, CEC, Independentei, Fac de medicina                        Codyms system 3200-31324
Is Iasi Pod de Piatra, Conex,Petrom                                              Codyms system 3200-16264
Is Iasi Pod Nicolina                                                             Codyms system 3200-32444
Is Iasi Podu Ros, Garibaldi, Pizza Krantz,Complex Moda                           Codyms system 3200-21114
Is Iasi Podu Ros, Splai Bahlui                                                   Codyms system 3200-11114
Is Iasi Primaverii, Iasitex, Moldotrans                                          Codyms system 3200-21344
Is Iasi Rapa Galbena,Piata Unirii, Sp Sf Spiridon                                Codyms system 3200-21474
Is Iasi Rond Copou, Politie, Fac de Agronomie                                    Codyms system 3500-21354
Is Iasi Sala Sporturilor                                                         Codyms system 3200-21334
Is Iasi Salcia, Sos Arcu, Blocul lui bunelu                                      Codyms system 3200-32244
Is Iasi Sararie Bucegi, confluenta Independentei+Sararie+Tg Cucu                 Codyms system 3200-20974
Is Iasi Sararie, Bojdeuca Creanga                                                Codyms system 3200-11474
Is Iasi Sararie, Casa Sadoveanu                                                  Codyms system 3200-30974
Is Iasi Sararie, Global eurotest                                                 Codyms system 3200-31474
Is Iasi Sf.Lazar, Internity dealer nokia, Rond Podu Ros                          system system 3200-22504
Is Iasi Sp Sf Maria, Tg Cucu, Fac de Drept, Petre Andrei                         Codyms system 3200-31104
Is Iasi Str Cerna,Pod de Piatra, Statie Mircea cel Batran                        Codyms system 3200-12254
Is Iasi Studio Dana, Tudor                                                       Codyms system 3200-12504
Is Iasi Tatarasi, Metalurgie, Doi Baieti, Gradinari                              system system 3200-30794
Is Iasi Tatarasi, Tehno steel LBR                                                Codyms system 3200-20794
Is Iasi Tg Cucu, M-rea Golia, Hotel Europa                                       Codyms system 3200-10974
Is Iasi Tudor, Iulius Mall, 25 Pub, Motor Club                                   Codyms system 3200-21744
Is Iasi Tudor, Iullius Mall                                                      Codyms system 3200-11344
Is Iasi Tudor, La Bomba, Spital Sf Elena                                         Codyms system 3200-31744
Is Iasi Vasile Lupu,Flux, Iassyfarm tatarasi                                     Codyms system 3200-11104
Is Letcani E583, Metro, Elvilla                                                  Codyms system 3500-31994
Is Letcani E583, Styl House, Pensiunea Gabriel                                   Codyms system 3500-20784
Is Maxut Pescarie Intrare Harlau                                                 Codyms system 3500-21504
Is Podu Iloaiei E583, Centru, Bis Romano Catolica                                Codyms system 3500-30784
Is Tg Frumos Centru, Petrom, Sala de sport a tineretului                         Codyms system 3500-31804
Is Valea Lupului Antibiotice SA, METRO                                           Codyms system 3500-21994
maramures baia mare mcdonald                                                     sebip sebip 6200-11999
maramures baia mare petru maior                                                  sebip sebip 6200-30519
maramures baia mare str crisan                                                   sebip sebip 6200-11219
maramures baia mare str petru maior                                              sebip sebip 6200-12669
MH DN56A AURORA/ IZIMSA/ SALCIA                                                  upgrade system 5100-19605
MH DN56A Cujmir                                                                  upgrade system 5100-29605
MH DN56A Maglavit                                                                upgrade system 5100-10175
MH DN56A Rosiori                                                                 upgrade system 5100-32125
MH Drobeta Turnu-Severin Decebal                                                 upgrade system 5400-11595
MH Drobeta Turnu-Severin Decebal                                                 upgrade system 5400-31595
MH Drobeta Turnu-Severin Gura Vaii                                               upgrade system 5400-20755
MH Orsova Parc                                                                   upgrade system 5400-11435
MM Viseu de Sus str poienitei                                                    Adrian system 7900-11039
MS  tg mures centrul tg mures                                                    system system 7000-21540
MS  tg mures combinat azomures                                                   system system 7000-10730
MS  tg mures gheorghe doja                                                       sorin system 7000-22400
MS  tg mures lunca                                                               sorin system 6600-22539
MS  tg mures orange shop mures                                                   sorin system 7000-8120
MS  tg mures panov                                                               sorin system 7000-20720
MS  tg mures str budiului                                                        sorin system 7000-22840
ms  tg mures str ghe doja                                                        sorin system 7000-12400
ms  tg mures str podeni                                                          system system 7000-32570
MS  tg mures str. podeni                                                         sorin system 7000-21550
Ms Chetani-Ludus Drum european E60                                               system system 6500-30160
MS chirileu E60                                                                  system system 6500-22800
MS cipau E60                                                                     system system 6500-10170
MS cristesti E60                                                                 system system 6500-24710
MS cristesti gara E60                                                            system system 7000-20730
MS cuci soseaua E60                                                              system system 6500-10160
MS Cuci soseaua E60                                                              system system 6500-20170
MS Cuci soseaua E60                                                              system system 6500-30170
Ms Hadareni-Chetani Drum european E60                                            system system 6000-16259
ms mures podeni                                                                  soso77 soso77 7000-12420
ms mures tudor                                                                   soso77 soso77 7000-11130
ms sangeorgiu de mures str. stiintei  centru                                     nykolas79 system 7000-11550
Ms Sangeorgiul de Mures str. Tofalau - Caminul cultural                          nykolas79 system 6600-23290
MS targu mures bd 7 noiembrie                                                    system system 7000--13996
MS targu mures bd. pandurilor                                                    system system 7000-12750
MS targu mures bd. pandurilor                                                    system system 7000-21130
MS targu mures bd. pandurilor                                                    system system 7000-22700
MS targu mures bd. pandurilor Mbo City                                           system system 7000-22750
MS targu mures bd. pandurilor Mbo City                                           system system 7000-31130
MS targu mures bd. tudor vladimirescu                                            system system 7000-20740
Ms Targu Mures Bld. Pandurilor                                                   nykolas79 system 7000-22300
MS targu mures cart Ady str. libertatii                                          system system 7000-22580
MS targu mures cart cornisa complex studentesc                                   system system 7000-22440
Ms Targu Mures cartierul rovinari                                                mih mih 7000-22420
MS targu mures centru Targu Mures                                                system system 7000-11110
MS targu mures centru targu mures                                                system system 7000-30720
MS targu mures centru targu mures                                                system system 7000-32300
MS targu mures cetatea medievala                                                 system system 7000-11540
MS targu mures complex weekend club exit                                         system system 7000-12440
MS targu mures cornisa complex studentesc                                        system system 7000-11120
MS Targu Mures cornisa complex studentesc                                        system system 7000-12570
MS targu mures gara targu mures                                                  system system 7000-21110
MS targu mures spitalul Judetean Mures                                           system system 7000-22590
MS targu mures str clinicii                                                      system system 7000-12590
MS targu mures str gheorghe doja                                                 system system 7000-12390
MS targu mures str Mihai viteazu                                                 system system 7000-12300
MS targu mures str nicolae grigorescu                                            system system 7000-32440
MS targu mures str nicolae griorescu                                             system system 7000-21120
MS targu mures str. braila                                                       system system 7000-31540
MS targu mures str. gh. doja                                                     system system 7000-22390
MS targu mures str. mioritei                                                     system system 7000-12580
ms tg. mures str. livezeni                                                       nykolas79 system 7000-10740
ms tg. mures str. podeni cart. unirii                                            system system 7000-32580
ms tg. mures str.grivita, centru                                                 system system 7000-10720
MS vidrasau E60                                                                  system system 6500-12800
NT Humulesti Casa Memoriala Ion Creanga ,Strada Humulestii Noi                   Geo2000 system 2900-30894
NT Humulesti Strada Ion Creanga, Casa Memoriala                                  Geo2000 system 2900-30632
NT Poiana Teiului Atelier                                                        mmoro system 2900-21294
NT Raucesti Neamt-jvd.neamt                                                      Geo2000 system 11136-18532
NT Raucesti strada Rugina                                                        Geo2000 system 3500-20674
NT Roman Piata Roman Musat                                                       Arbait Arbait 3900-21064
NT Roman Smirodava, 10A                                                          Arbait Arbait 3900-11064
NT Roman Smirodava, 10A                                                          Arbait Arbait 3900-11564
NT Roman Smirodava, magazin Emy                                                  Arbait Arbait 3900-21484
NT Tirgu - Neamt Strada Rugina  via Raucesti                                     Geo2000 system 2900-14904
NT Tirgu Neamt CETATEA NEAMTULUI,STRADA CASA ARCASULUI                           Geo2000 system 2900-10894
NT TIRGU NEAMT GARA TIRGU-NEAMT,STRADA GARII                                     Geo2000 system 2900-21194
NT Tirgu Neamt tirgu neamt-neamt                                                 Geo2000 system 11136-47613
NT TIRGU NEAMT TIRGU NEANT,JUD NEAMT,STRADA OGLINZI                              Geo2000 system 2900-11194
NT Tirgu-Neamt Strada Oglinzi, nr.443                                            Geo2000 system 2900-34904
NT Tirgu-Neamt Strada Oglizi, nr.800                                             Geo2000 system 2900--20632
PH Baicoi Paralela 45                                                            IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-10212
PH Banesti Banesti                                                               IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-21542
PH Banesti Banesti                                                               IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-30212
PH Campina Casa Tineretului                                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-11542
PH Ploiesti DN1                                                                  IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-26422
PH Ploiesti DN1                                                                  IP-XCENTRIC system 4700-16902
PH Ploiesti DN1                                                                  IP-XCENTRIC system 4700-22222
PH Ploiesti Gara de Vest                                                         IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-23812
PH Ploiesti Metro Ploiesti                                                       IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-36342
PH Ploiesti Ploiesti Vest                                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-22292
PH Ploiesti Rafinaria Petrom Petrobrazi                                          IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-27212
PH Ploiesti Soseaua de Centura                                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-16342
PH Prahova Azuga                                                                 3dWARd system 7100-10976
PH Prahova Azuga                                                                 3dWARd system 7100-22216
PH Prahova Busteni                                                               3dWARd system 7100-20976
PH Prahova Cota 1000                                                             3dWARd system 7100-21726
PH Prahova Cota 1000                                                             3dWARd system 7100-31330
PH Prahova Poiana Tapului                                                        3dWARd system 7100-30956
PH Prahova Sinaia                                                                3dWARd system 7100-10956
PH Pucheni Mari Pucheni Mari                                                     IP-XCENTRIC system 4700-23222
PH Pucheni Pucheni                                                               IP-XCENTRIC system 4700-13222
PH Romanesti Romanesti                                                           IP-XCENTRIC system 4400-20762
PH Sinaia Centru                                                                 3dWARd system 7100-11746
PH Sinaia Centru                                                                 3dWARd system 7100-24206
PH Sinaia Gara                                                                   3dWARd system 7100-20956
ro  tg mures str. podeni                                                         system system 7000-31120
RO B Chitila                                                                     3dWARd system 150-31441
RO B Chitila                                                                     Allyn31 system 150-26881
RO B Chitila, Str. Chitilei                                                      3dWARd system 150-21441
RO Braila Chitcani                                                               Ciolan-Ion system 3700-20947
RO Braila The MTS service is not available                                       Ciolan-Ion system 3700-30947
RO Braila Viziru km. 10                                                          Ciolan-Ion system 3700-10947
RO Bucharest Pipera                                                              bogdan.e system 130-9501
RO BUCURESTI Baneasa                                                             Ciolan-Ion system 150-13051
RO BUCURESTI Baneasa                                                             Ciolan-Ion system 150-32081
RO DB Crangasi                                                                   3dWARd system 4300-22692
RO DB Mavrodin, Ghergani                                                         3dWARd system 4300-26802
RO DB Pucioasa, autogara                                                         3dWARd system 4300-16792
RO DB Pucioasa, Centru                                                           3dWARd system 4300-26792
RO DB Racari                                                                     3dWARd system 4300-16802
RO DB Targoviste, camera de comert                                               3dWARd system 4300-13172
RO DB Targoviste, Centru                                                         3dWARd system 4300-10542
RO DB Targoviste, Centru                                                         3dWARd system 4300-20542
RO DB Targoviste, centru                                                         3dWARd system 4300-23182
RO DB Targoviste, Centru                                                         3dWARd system 4300-30542
RO DB Targoviste, Gara, Facultatea de drept                                      3dWARd system 4300-23172
RO DB Targoviste, trebuie sa gasesc locatia exacta                               3dWARd system 4300-22372
RO DB Tartasesti                                                                 3dWARd system 4300-24182
RO DB Tartasesti                                                                 Allyn31 system 150-32094
RO DB Ulmi                                                                       3dWARd system 4300-13182
RO DB Ulmi                                                                       3dWARd system 4300-27724
RO DB Ulmi                                                                       3dWARd system 4300-27812
Ro GL 3 star orange shop                                                         viorel system 3600-21127
Ro GL baia comunala parchet                                                      viorel system 3600-30567
Ro GL banci  tiglina1                                                            viorel system 3600-10557
Ro GL beverly hyls-billa micro 13                                                viorel system 3600-11517
Ro GL cuca 1                                                                     viorel system 3600-4287
Ro GL cuca partea de sud                                                         viorel system 11119-28522
Ro GL doja-general                                                               viorel system 3600-20737
Ro GL domneasca 6martie politia rutiera                                          viorel system 3600-20867
Ro GL general                                                                    viorel system 3600-20577
Ro GL general- masnita                                                           viorel system 3600-30737
Ro GL liceu3 micro 40                                                            viorel system 3600-30577
Ro GL masnita+liceu3                                                             viorel system 3600-10847
Ro GL mazepa-faleza                                                              viorel system 3600-10857
Ro GL micro 13 billa                                                             viorel system 3600-31517
Ro GL miorita garii                                                              viorel system 3600-31317
Ro GL piata centrala                                                             viorel system 3600-20567
Ro GL piata micro 40                                                             viorel system 3600-30847
Ro GL posta billa otelarilor micro 19 21                                         viorel system 3600-10747
Ro GL spital copii doja                                                          viorel system 3600-30657
Ro GL spitalu judetean                                                           viorel system 3600-20387
Ro GL spitalul judetean                                                          viorel system 3600-30747
Ro GL stadionu dunarea                                                           viorel system 3600-20657
Ro GL tiglina1-germanos                                                          viorel system 3600-10657
Ro GL ultimul leu rondou                                                         viorel system 3600-10997
RO SAI Buftea                                                                    3dWARd system 150-29024
RO SAI Chitila                                                                   3dWARd system 150-28655
RO SAI Podul nu stiu cum. cine stie sa modifice                                  3dWARd system 150-16802
SB Cisnadioara Centru                                                            tdani system 6900-23550
SB Sibiu Bazinul Olimpia                                                         tdani system 6900-22310
SB Sibiu Bazinul Olimpia                                                         tdani system 6900-32310
SB Sibiu Calea Poplacii                                                          tdani system 6900-12240
SB Sibiu Calea Poplacii                                                          tdani system 6900-31100
SB Sibiu Centru                                                                  florincostescu florincostescu 6900-31370
SB Sibiu Lazaret                                                                 CristianC CristianC 6900-11370
SB Sibiu Lazaret                                                                 CristianC CristianC 6900-12320
SB Sibiu Lazaret                                                                 florincostescu florincostescu 6900-12680
SB Sibiu Lazaret                                                                 florincostescu florincostescu 6900-21370
SB Sibiu Strand                                                                  florincostescu florincostescu 6900-22600
SB Sibiu Strand                                                                  florincostescu florincostescu 6900-31760
SB Sibiu Terezian - Obor                                                         CristianC CristianC 6900-11590
SV Boroaia Falticeni                                                             mmoro system 3500-20504
Sv Dornesti Iesire Dornesti                                                      Codyms system 3100-21824
Sv Granicesti Iesire Siret, Petrom                                               Codyms system 3100-10434
Sv Mihaileni Mihaileni+Candesti                                                  Codyms system 3100-32304
Sv Radauti Centrul Vechi, sc Bogdan Voda                                         Codyms system 3100-21014
Sv Radauti Depozit Chimice, Centru, E85                                          Codyms system 3100-10494
Sv Radauti Intrare, oras Radauti                                                 Codyms system 3100-10874
Sv Radauti Strada Vasile Alecsandri, Trandafirilor                               Codyms system 3100-21614
Sv Radauti Zona Rezidentiala, Bogdan Voda                                        Codyms system 3100-31614
Sv Siret Intrare Siret Dealer Connex                                             Codyms system 3100-20434
SV Suceava Gara Burdujeni                                                        mmoro system 3000-22064
TL Com. Valea Nucarilor DC 222C view location                                    adioperator system 4000-19097
TL Com. Valea Nucarilor DC 222C, Tulcea - Agighiol                               adioperator system 4000-47167
TL Constanta DN 22 Km 265                                                        adioperator system 4100-21572
TL DJ 222 Agigiol - Valea Nucarilor view location                                adioperator system 4000-29097
TL DJ 222 Km 16, Tulcea - Murighiol                                              adioperator system 4000-30547
TL DJ 222 Maimundia, Hotel Mon Jardin, Delta Dunarii view location               adioperator system 4000-10217
TL DJ 222 Maimundia, Murighiol - Camping view location                           adioperator system 4000-20217
TL DJ 222 Sat Sarinasuf view location                                            adioperator system 6810-27167
TL DJ 222 Tulcea - Murighigol Km 13                                              adioperator system 4000-18369
TL DJ 222 Tulcea - Murighiol Complex zootehnic Carniprod - Nufaru                adioperator system 4000-21307
TL DJ 222 Tulcea - Murighiol Localitatile Nufaru - Victoria                      adioperator system 4000-30217
TL DJ 222 Tulcea - Murighiol Nufaru, Complex Turistic Steaua Apelor view locationadioperator system 4000-11307
TL DJ 222 Tulcea - Murighiol Tulcea - Complex zootehnic Carniprod                adioperator system 4000-31307
TL DN 22 DN 22 Km 197                                                            adioperator system 4000-10197
TL DN 22 DN 22 Km 220 Codru                                                      adioperator system 4000-25329
TL DN 22 DN 22 Km 222                                                            adioperator system 4000-10817
TL DN 22 DN 22 Km 233 Loc. Baia                                                  adioperator system 4000-20817
TL DN 22 Km 184, Loc. Mihail Kogalniceanu                                        adioperator adioperator 4000-17047
TL DN 22 KM 188, Loc. Cataloi                                                    adioperator adioperator 4000-27047
TL DN 22 TL-BR Km 150-157, Podgoria Sarica Niculitel                             adioperator system 4000-167
TL DN 22 TL-BR Km 157, Dealul Mare                                               adioperator system 4000-21187
TL DN 22 TL-CT Km 181                                                            adioperator system 4000-31289
TL DN 22 TL-CT Km 185                                                            adioperator system 4000-27157
TL DN 22 TL-GL Km 138, Loc. Isaccea view location                                adioperator system 3600-10157
TL DN 22 TL-GL Km 142, Loc. Isaccea                                              adioperator system 4000-10967
TL DN 22 TL-GL Km 142-150, Loc. Isaccea, Niculitel view location                 adioperator system 4000-20967
TL DN22, TL-CT Km 189                                                            adioperator system 4000-17157
TL DN22, TL-CT Km 202                                                            adioperator system 4000-28369
TL Loc. Babadag DN 22 Km 215, Popas Doi Iepurasi view location                   adioperator system 4000-20197
TL Loc. Niculitel Centru                                                         adioperator system 4000-4357
TL Tulcea Cart. Alexandru cel Bun, Piata Noua view location                      adioperator system 4000-10667
TL Tulcea Cart. C5, Peco Petrom, Sos. de Centura view location                   adioperator system 4000-24247
TL TULCEA Cartier C5 zona Casablanca                                             adioperator system 4000-10177
TL Tulcea Cartier C5, Unitatea de Pompieri                                       adioperator system 4000-20827
TL Tulcea Centru, Hotel Egreta view location                                     adioperator system 4000-20697
TL Tulcea DN 22 Km 259                                                           adioperator system 4000-30207
TL Tulcea Faleza Dunarii, ARBDD view location                                    adioperator system 4000-10897
TL Tulcea Hotel Delta, Faleza Dunarii view location                              adioperator system 4000-30697
TL Tulcea Monumentul Eroilor view location                                       adioperator system 4000-10697
TL Tulcea Piata Noua, Str. Bariera Mahmundiei                                    adioperator system 4000-20667
TL Tulcea Platforma Industriala, Loc. Mineri, Somova view location               adioperator system 4000-11187
TL Tulcea Sala Sporturilor, Faleza Dunarii view location                         adioperator system 4000-30897
TL Tulcea Soseaua de Centura                                                     adioperator system 4000-30177
TL Tulcea Spitalul Municipal, Sediul Politiei                                    adioperator system 4000-10827
TL Tulcea Str. Babadag view location                                             adioperator system 4000-30667
TL Tulcea Str. Mahmundiei, Peco Star 2000                                        adioperator system 4000-20957
TL Tulcea Zona Pelican                                                           adioperator adioperator 4000-21527
TL Tulcea Zona Vest, Bariera Liniei Ferate view location                         adioperator system 4000-20897
TL Tulcea Zona Vest, Platforma Industriala, Sos. de Centura                      adioperator system 4000-14247
TL Tulcea Zona Vest, Sala Mica a Sporturilor, Zona Dallas view location          adioperator system 4000-30827
Vl Dragasani Dragasani                                                           Allyn31 system 5100-21035
VL Valcea Autogara Antares                                                       IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-11585
VL Valcea Autogara Antares view location                                         IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-21265
VL Valcea Baraj,strand Ostroveni                                                 IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-20935
VL Valcea BIG,InterClub,Zimbrul view location                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-20745
VL Valcea Budesti,Casa Olteneasca                                                IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-20785
VL Valcea Centru view location                                                   IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-11265
VL Valcea Colegiul Al. Lahovari,Filarmonica Ion Dumitrescu,Zona de Nord view locationIP-XCENTRIC system 5000-10745
VL Valcea Fabrica Boromir                                                        IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-21465
VL Valcea Faleza Olanesti,Ostroveni-Casa Stiintei,Scoala nr10,Flanco             IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-30935
VL Valcea Lenin Sud,Fabrica Boromir,Budesti                                      IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-11465
VL Valcea Lenin Sud,Politia Judeteana                                            IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-31585
VL Valcea Milcoiu                                                                IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-20435
VL Valcea Muzeul de Istorie,Scoala Take Ionescu,OK,                              IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-30745
VL Valcea Ostroveni Sere                                                         IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-21615
VL Valcea Ostroveni-Casa Stiintei,Scoala nr10,Flanco                             IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-31615
VL Valcea Spitalul Judetean Valcea view location                                 IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-20945
VL Valcea Spitalul Vechi                                                         IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-31815
VL VL Blidari                                                                    IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-28864
VL VL E81,Blidari,Budesti,Casa Olteneasca,Pensiunea Hans                         IP-XCENTRIC system 5000-10785
Vs Bacaoani Monumentul Podul Inalt Stefan cel Mare                               vladp vladp 3500-30074
Vs Barlad Gara                                                                   vladp vladp 3300-11414
Vs Crasna Gara                                                                   vladp vladp 3500-10074
Vs Vaslui Crucea Garii                                                           vladp vladp 3500-11654
Total count: 1047 cells
Most active users:
cosmo1 - 179 added cells
IP-XCENTRIC - 149 added cells
Codyms - 113 added cells
adioperator - 70 added cells
3dWARd - 66 added cells
system - 62 added cells
DjAdi21 - 58 added cells
upgrade - 37 added cells
soryn - 27 added cells
viorel - 26 added cells